From time to time when the Governor files a new A-1 including (relatively) small donations from supporters someone will ask why donors are contributing to Rauner given his capacity to self fund. With such a large amount of the funding on the Republican side during the 2016 cycle coming from Rauner and just a few of his wealthy allies it's easy to mistakenly assume that his donor pool in 2014 was small as well but that was not actually the case.

Here is a breakdown of Governor Rauner's fundraising in 2014:

Citizens for Rauner, Inc.
Campaign Fundraising up to Election Day 2014

Bruce Rauner$27,526,000.00
Republican Governors Association$8,689,000.00
Ken Griffin$5,589,295.18
Illinois Republican Party$3,289,648.10
Richard Uihlein$605,300.00
The Rest$24,234,633.54

Fundraising on December 31, 2014

Bruce Rauner$10,000,000.00
Ken Griffin$8,000,000.00
Richard Uihlein$2,000,000.00

Cycle Total$89,933,876.82

Not including the $20 million Rauner added on New Year's Eve 2014, he raised just shy of $70 million for the 2014 Governor's race, although about $8 million of that was transferred to the Illinois Republican Party. In 2014 about $46 million of Rauner's total came from himself, the state and national party and his few wealthy allies but he still raised over $24 million from traditional Republican supporters and other various donors. That is roughly comparable to the $23 million Rod Blagojevich spent in 2002 to win the Governor's race, a not insignificant amount. Even though Bruce Rauner is currently sitting on $70 million ($50 million from himself, $20 million from Ken Griffin) he's likely to continue to raise money from traditional sources for the remainder of the election.

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