Prior to June 1998 surplus campaign funds could be converted to personal use so long as they paid taxes on that income. Cash on hand as of June 30, 1998 would be grandfathered in, surplus campaign funds could be converted to personal use (subject to tax) up to the balance as of 6/30/98.
5/9-8.10. Use of political committee and other reporting organization funds.
(a) A political committee shall not make expenditures:
(11) For payments to a public official or candidate or his or her family member unless for compensation for services actually rendered by that person. The provisions of this item (11) do not apply to expenditures by a political committee in an aggregate amount not exceeding the amount of funds reported to and certified by the State Board or county clerk as available as of June 30, 1998, in the semi-annual report of contributions and expenditures filed by the political committee for the period concluding June 30, 1998.
Below is a list of committees that are currently still active that had a non-zero cash on hand on 6/30/98 along with their most recent cash on hand. If these committees haven't already converted any funds to personal use they could potentially convert up to their 1998 balance.
Note: if you only want to see candidate committees type "Candidate" in the search bar.
ID | Type | Committee | 6/30/1998 CoH | 12/31/24 CoH | 12/31/24 Inv |